Example of DMN (Decision Model & Notation) execution in jBPM 7

jBPM 7 has support for OMG's DMN specification 1.1 ( http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.1/ ) conformance level 3. What this means is jBPM 7 not only supports decision requirements, decision logic, and decision tables (conformance level 1) but also supports the full FEEL (Friendly Enough Expression Language) specification. Unfortunately jBPM 7 currently doesn't include an authoring tool to create DRDs (Decision Requirements Diagram). For this I am using Trisotech's DMN authoring tool ( http://www.trisotech.com/dmnquickstart ). I'm using a simple car insurance quote problem to demonstrate the capabilities of DMN. I'm also integrating DMN to BPMN using jBPM 7.5 running on Wildfly 10.1. Decision Requirements Diagram To keep the example simple I'm using three inputs into the decision making process. A Car that has attributes type, age, and price. A Driver that has age, number of tickets, and number of accidents. And a base quote amount. ...